Web Development Tools for Beginners

Web Development Tools for Beginners

Web development software can be used to help professional Web Developers and non-Developers alike build websites, mobile apps, and other digital products.

for Beginners and want to learn as web developer ,you should know about these software.

make sure you have knowledge relate to css,js,boostrape,html,php and concept of some coding with syntax include different platform.

I suggest you, learn in www.w3schools.com .this website have a lot of lesson as HTML , JS ,CSS ,Phthon ,php, C++ and ect.

you can check and learn more by yourselfe.

  • Notepad ++
    Notepad++ - Wikipedia
    Notepad++ is a free open-source text and source code editor. It supports approximately 80 programming languages, and it includes syntax highlighting, code folding, and a tabbed editing interface to work with multiple files for ease of use.
    download with this link: https://notepad-plus-plus.org/downloads/
  • wamp or xampp

    XAMPP is a cross-platform service, as it works with platforms like Mac, Linux, Windows, etc. That’s not the case with WAMP as it only works in Windows. You can easily configure and set up XAMPP compared to WAMP. XAMPP supports Perl, PHP, MySQL whereas WAMP supports only PHP & MySQL.
    download with this link (Wamp):https://sourceforge.net/projects/wampserver/
    download with this link (Xampp): https://www.apachefriends.org/
  • Visual studio code or Sublime Text

    Visual Studio Code is a new choice of tool that combines the simplicity of a code editor with what developers need for the core edit-build-debug cycle.
    VSCode uses an open-source frame, allowing you to install it on any device. To that end, it uses AMD/ARM bases with 32 or 64 bits. On the other hand, Sublime doesn’t use RAM or Raspberry Pi, but it’s very compatible. Hence, you can install it on both Windows and Linux OS.
    download with this link (Visual studio ): https://code.visualstudio.com/
    download with this link (Sublime Text): https://www.sublimetext.com/

    I suggest or recommend you ,Visual studio is the most one better nowadays.

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