How to Find and Replace Text in MS Word

Microsoft Word is very popular; we always use it to do documentation. Some text in a file is going to be changed to another word.Also, you can replace all those words with other words by following below:

  1. The Quickest Way: Ctrl + H

Press Ctrl + H (Windows) or Command + H (Mac) to instantly open the Find and Replace dialog box.

or Go to the Home tab -> editing -> replace

  1. Using the Find and Replace Dialog Box
    • Find What: Type the text you want to locate.
    • Replace With: Type the text you want to substitute.
  1. Finding Text
    • Find Next: Locates the next instance of the search term.
    • Find All: Highlights all instances of the search term in the document.
  1. Replacing Text
    • Replace: Replaces the current instance of the search term with the replacement text.
    • Replace All: Replaces all instances of the search term in the document.
    • click on the Cancel button in the upper right corner.


Ms. Bean wishes to change every occurrence of “hi” in his word document to “hello”:

    1. Press Ctrl + H.
    2. In the “Find What” field, type “hi”.
    3. In the “Replace With” field, type “hello”.
    4. Click Replace All.


    Always review the changes made by Replace All carefully, as it can be difficult to undo.

    Save a backup of your document before making extensive find and replace operations.


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