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moodle upload users

moodle upload users

If you need to add a large number of users to your site, and you don’t want them to create their own accounts, you can upload a text (.csv) file to create the accounts in bulk.

  1. Log in to Moodle with your administrator account
  2. Click Site administration
  3. Click the Users tab
  4. Click Upload users
    Download to your computer the example text file . Leave the top line (with the fields) blank, and complete it with the details of your users, using a text editor like Notepad or a spreadsheet program like MS Excel or Libre Office Calc.

    Uploading user, you can see above example.csv.It is a sample for uploading.You must download example.csv next do user list on excel.Table header should have username,first name,last name,email ,password,id number ,department.

    Required fields



    To force password change for a particular user, set the password field to changeme. If omitted, a password will be generated for each user (during the next Cron job) and welcome e-mails sent out. The text for the welcome e-mail is in the language settings in Site administration > Language > Language customisation with a String identifier of ‘newusernewpasswordtext’.

    Optional user fields


    table sample:

    idnumber lastname firstname username password department email phone1
    1 la lin l.lin Lala@123: IT 000000000
  5. Make sure you save it as a text (.csv) file and please note,It is going to be error .xlsx extension (excel file).
  6. Go back to Upload users and upload your file, making sure the CSV delimiter is the same as the one you used. Usually this is a comma.
  7. Preview the accounts and decide on the settings and default values you want. (If in doubt, leave them as they are)
  8. Click Upload users again

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