
Moodle – how get total course completed and login chart in current year into dashboard page

Moodle – how get total course completed and login chart in current year into dashboard page

To add the total course completed and login chart in the current year to the dashboard, you need to get a query from course complete and login from the database. We created...
DIfference of cohorts and groups/grouping in Moodle

DIfference of cohorts and groups/grouping in Moodle

To avoid further confusion between cohorts and groups/grouping, please check the following: Cohorts are a method of enrollment by assigning students or dividing students into groups. For example, you want to organize...
How to add custom font to Moodle

How to add custom font to Moodle

Create new folder in your theme and call it fonts. add your custom font into fonts folder. copied and past your fonts file into fonts directory. following this:  moodle/theme/yourtheme/fonts/ In your themes...
How to turn off the editing mode for student in Moodle

How to turn off the editing mode for student in Moodle

first,make sure you logged as administrator role. Go to Permissions/Define roles/Editing role ‘Authenticated user’ Authenticated user role: Changing by you click and edit on Authenticated user role and uncheck on Capability as...
Assign system roles by upload user in moodle

Assign system roles by upload user in moodle

Make sure you checked on “system” where Context types where this role may be assigned : Enabling teachers to assign the role of teacher Assign the role of teacher with system roles:...
Moodle Could not find a top-level course

Moodle Could not find a top-level course

Having trouble finding a course in Moodle? No need to freak out just yet somehow. You’ll likely resolve the problem quickly with this guide. Verify course visibility settings and double-check availability status....
Increasing Moodle’s Max Upload Size

Increasing Moodle’s Max Upload Size

Don’t worry if you have trouble using Moodle’s upload size limitation; a few simple adjustments will allow you to have a seamless, productive Moodle experience while increasing the maximum upload size. For...
How to set up Moodle—Installing Moodle

How to set up Moodle—Installing Moodle

In this comprehensive guide, you’ll learn how to install, configure, and customize Moodle. Discover the best practices on creating courses, adding users, and troubleshooting common issues. Introduction to Moodle Moodle is a...
moodle upload users

moodle upload users

If you need to add a large number of users to your site, and you don’t want them to create their own accounts, you can upload a text (.csv) file to create...