
How to loop post under category in wordpress

How to loop post under category in wordpress

To loop posts under categories, you should know something. get_categories($args): Arguments to retrieve categories and we want to return array List of category objects that   ‘parent’ => 0 .  $categories =...
WordPress Version 6.5.5 Releases Security updates

WordPress Version 6.5.5 Releases Security updates

On June 24, 2024, WordPress 6.5.5 was released to the public. This release features three security fixes. Because this is a security release, it is recommended that you update your sites immediately. This minor...
How to add theme support for the Title tag

How to add theme support for the Title tag

The meta title is the HTML element that labels a webpage and appears in the browser tab and search engine results pages. Generally, when we optimize your website with PageSpeed Insights, you...
How to Add HTTP Security Headers in WordPress

How to Add HTTP Security Headers in WordPress

What Are HTTP Security Headers? With the use of HTTP security headers, your website’s server can thwart typical security risks before they have a chance to compromise your website. Your web server...
how to config Microsoft Office 365 mail in wordpress code without using plugin

how to config Microsoft Office 365 mail in wordpress code without using plugin

hello guide, we will show you how to set up Microsoft Office 365 for WordPress email. first, we need to setup office 365 for sending mails from website and added the code...
How To Customize WordPress Admin Panel For Free – WordPress Admin UI

How To Customize WordPress Admin Panel For Free – WordPress Admin UI

Everyone is finding about plugins that provide you with the ability to customize, edit, or personalize your WordPress admin panel. The plugins have a lot, and you’re not sure which one to...
What’s new in WordPress 6.3

What’s new in WordPress 6.3

WordPress 6.3 beta be released yesterday, on August 8th, 2023.In this content, we are going to look into what features are coming in WordPress 6.3 with details.This momentous release opens new possibilities...
How to start a blog for new Begineer

How to start a blog for new Begineer

Starting a blog is actually really straightforward. All you need to do this: Buy Domain Name Generally, if you have a new hosting account and some DNS, it will be free for...
wordpress pagination

wordpress pagination

Displays a paginated navigation to next/previous set of posts, when applicable. Displays pagination with additional page links <?php the_posts_pagination( array( 'mid_size' => 2 ) ); ?> Displays pagination with alternative prev/next text...
List all categories in wordpress

List all categories in wordpress

Free source code with WordPress for listing all categories and the responsive interface. We use PHP code, have a beautiful style, using the bootstrap and please check the code like below. <?php...
Celebrating the WordPress 20th Anniversary in Cambodia

Celebrating the WordPress 20th Anniversary in Cambodia

This is a gathering to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of WordPress (27 May 2003 – 27 May 2023). This gathering will be celebrated on Saturday 27th May, 2023 at SalaCyber (map), from 2 PM...
How to Create a Table of Contents With a Plugin in WordPress

How to Create a Table of Contents With a Plugin in WordPress

A table of contents is a list of jump links that lead to different sections on a page or post.  there is a good plugin and I want share it to you. I have...
Change logo on WordPress Login/Register Page

Change logo on WordPress Login/Register Page

Login/SignUp page was used default wordpress logo and we want to see our logo instead. I have 2 methods to show you and solve this problem. Function.php use wordpress plugin Method 1:Function.php...
List all the tags in a WordPress

List all the tags in a WordPress

getting all tags and have some style in Worpress as below code. I hope this code can help you. <ul class="tag-ul"> <?php $tags = get_tags('post_tag'); if ( $tags ) : foreach (...